B12 + Why A Plant Based Diet May Not Be The Best Option For You

Dec 12, 2023

What Is B12?

Vitamin B12 stands as one of the vital nutrients essential for proper bodily functions. This water-soluble vitamin plays a crucial role in DNA synthesis, nerve function, red blood cell formation, and the maintenance of a healthy brain.

Where Does B12 Come From?

B12 is predominantly found in animal-derived foods such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. These sources provide a form of B12 that is readily absorbed by the human body.

The bioavailability of B12 from animal sources is noteworthy due to its inherent structure. Animal-based B12 is in a form that is bioactive and easily absorbed in the human digestive system.

Why Plant Based May Not Be Best...

Plant-based foods contain analogs of B12, which might hinder its absorption and utilization in the body. While some plant-based products are factory fortified (meaning , it is a synthetic source and not naturally occurring) with B12, the efficiency of absorption of these fortified sources varies and does not match that of naturally occurring B12 in animal products.

The analogs found in plant-based foods may require specific enzymes for conversion to an active form that the body can use. This conversion process might be inefficient for some individuals, leading to potential B12 deficiency, especially in strict vegans. Substitutes for B12 can hinder the absorption of authentic B12 by creating a competitive environment within the digestive system.

Signs Of B12 Deficiency

- Overall Weakness + Fatigue

- Heart Palpitations

- Shortness Of Breath

- Depression/Memory Loss/Behavioral Changes

- Vision Issues Nerve Problems (Tingling/Weakness)

- Pale/Yellowing Skin

Beef liver is an exceptional source of vitamin B12 primarily due to its unparalleled bioavailability of this crucial nutrient. Rich in highly absorbable B12, consuming beef liver ensures an efficient uptake of this vitamin by the body. This high bioavailability makes beef liver an optimal choice to meet B12 requirements effectively, supporting essential functions like red blood cell production, neurological health, and DNA synthesis with greater efficiency compared to many other food sources. *