Lets Talk Zinc

Nov 16, 2023

Zinc plays a pivotal role in maintaining optimal gut health and function.

As an essential trace mineral, zinc contributes to various enzymatic processes crucial for digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune system regulation within the gastrointestinal tract.

It supports the integrity of the gut lining by aiding in the production of proteins and enzymes required for tissue repair and maintenance, thereby fortifying the gut barrier against harmful pathogens and toxins.

Zinc also supports the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut, promoting a healthy microbiome essential for proper digestion, nutrient metabolism, and overall immune function.

Its presence helps modulate inflammatory responses, contributing significantly to the overall well-being and resilience of the digestive system.

Hence, ensuring adequate zinc intake through a balanced diet or supplementation can be pivotal in supporting and optimizing gut health.

Zinc is also extremely important in relation to stomach acid. Zinc is primarily found in our parietal cells, aiding in the secretion of stomach acid—an essential component for proper food breakdown and absorption. It works with minerals such as sodium and potassium in generating this stomach acid. Inadequate zinc levels may result in reduced stomach acid production. Insufficient stomach acid can create an environment conducive to increased bacterial growth.

Shellfish (Oyster, Crab, Lobster, Octopus, Mussels) Grass-Fed Beef / Pork / Chicken / Eggs / Dairy are all great sources of bioavailable zinc.

Two amazing bioavailable sources of zinc we offer are our Freeze-Dried Oyster and Freeze-Dried Beef Liver! *