Natural vs. Synthetic Vitamin E

Nov 16, 2023
“Natural Vitamin E supplements outperform synthetic forms, according to a VERIS Research Summary. Results of recent studies suggest that natural Vitamin E is more bioavailable and is retained in body tissues significantly longer than synthetic Vitamin E. These studies show that previously accepted differences were underestimated and that the bioavailability of natural Vitamin E is about twice that of synthetic Vitamin E compounds.” (Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients, July 1999, p. 100)

Natural vitamin E is derived from various plant oils, particularly from vegetable oils like soybean, sunflower, safflower, and wheat germ oil. The primary form of natural vitamin E found in these sources is alpha-tocopherol. Other forms of vitamin E, such as beta-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol, and delta-tocopherol, can also be found in small amounts in these plant oils.

Synthetic Vitamin E is produced from petrochemicals. A key difference scientists are examining is the structure of the compounds. Natural Vitamin E consists of a single stereoisomer, while synthetic Vitamin E comprises eight stereoisomers, with only one matching natural Vitamin E. The seven differing stereoisomers in synthetic Vitamin E have lower biological activities, making them significantly less effective in the body.

This phenomenon has been consistently supported by multiple studies.

Maret Traber, an Associate Professor at the Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University, discovered that the human body differentiates between the two forms of Vitamin E, showing a preference for retaining the natural variant for internal utilization while excreting the synthetic form. Robert Acuff, PhD, Professor and Director, Center for Nutrition Research at East Tennessee State University, further confirms this by stating “Our studies suggest without question that natural Vitamin E delivers at least twice the impact as synthetic E.” *

Natural vitamin E can be distinguished from synthetic vitamin E on the product’s list on ingredients:

Natural = d-α-tocopherol / d alpha-tocopherol

Synthetic = dl alpha-tocopheryl / dl-α-tocopherol acetate